Stacy's Story - Chapter 1

- By Lofta
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By Lofta
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Stacy lives a very busy life and needed a compact solution she could carry with her and get the sleep apnea therapy she needs. With ResMed's AirMini, Stacy is thriving and getting restful sleep throughout the night.

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Views Stacy's story from diagnosis to thriving while using the ResMed AirMini. 

Stacy lives a very busy life and needed a compact solution she could carry with her and get the sleep apnea therapy she needs. With ResMed's AirMini, Stacy is thriving and getting restful sleep throughout the night. Stacy and her husband, also a CPAP user, are living their ideal life and looking forward to the next chapters in life. 

Watch Stacy's Story below

 Stacy's Sleep Apnea story


Video Transcript

Stacy: I have a busy lifestyle, I'm all over the place so I'm kind of the perfect person to have the AirMini. I got it set up right away, plugged in the tubing, put on the mask. The mask barely needed adjusting. There was a couple different masks, but I use a nasal mask so it came with the AirFit N20, it's a girls mask specifically which I love it's actually really important right my face is a little different than my husband's face.

Stacy's Husband: And I also have the AirTouch mask which is a big improvement on my other mask because it's more comfortable, it's a lot softer and I didn't have to adjust it beyond the initial kind of fit. I woke up and like I was surprised that I even had a mask on.

Stacy: The AirMini app is so cool because you get a score so it's easy to interpret with this app. I get a hundred most nights which is awesome.

Stacy's Husband: The AirMini is so much smaller than my current machine, instead of hauling this whole separate bag that I had from my other machine I just throw that in a backpack and it's done, its totally packed up.

Stacy: You can put it away when you're not using it, you can grab it and go, and I just love the convenience of that part.

So I still babysit a lot, pretty much every weekend. I always say that we're twins, we both like purple, pink and which is crazy which that I don't have this in common with any of my kids ever, is that we both have CPAP's.

Well if I go babysitting, I can just have the AirMini with me, and if I didn't want to leave it in my car I could put it in my purse. One of the things that's at the very top of my mind right now is I really want to have kids my own, that's like a big deal. I am really scared about how having a baby is going to affect my sleep, whether it's napping with the baby or whether it's like, okay the baby finally fell asleep and I can't move but I'm kind of tired and I'm just gonna do it right here, I'll be like "Dave, Dave can you grab my AirMini or no, more like (whispers) "Dave can you grab my AirMini."

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The Lofta Complete Path

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