Arthur's Story: Chapter 1

- By Lofta
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By Lofta
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Article Summary:
Although an active individual, Arthur found himself needing to take naps around 3-4 in the afternoon which was taking a toll on his business and personal life. It wasn't until an accidental diagnosis that he realized he needed to do something.

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Views Arthur's story from diagnosis to thriving while using the ResMed AirMini. 

In Arthur's case, snoring was a clear signal that he may be suffering from sleep apnea. Although an active individual, Arthur found himself needing to take naps around 3-4 in the afternoon which was taking a toll on his business and personal life. It wasn't until an accidental diagnosis that he realized he needed to do something.

Watch Arthur's Story below

 Arthur's Sleep Apnea story


Video Transcript:

Arthur's Wife: I definitely knew about the snoring yeah because you couldn't deny it.

Arthur: I just figured everybody snores, because when I was a kid I used to hear my dad snore right through the wall in my bedroom where I grew up.

Arthur's Wife: I used to wake up with Arthur gasping for breath and that was very disturbing because I wonder what else was going on and the impact on his health.

Arthur: So I do executive coaching, business development coaching, presentation coaching, sales training, I've been doing that for about 30 years now. I'm a fairly high energy person and I love the water and have scuba dived all over the world and we're in about 10 marathons, 15 half marathons but typically around 3, 4 in the afternoon I'd get real tired.

Arthur's Wife: We used to go out let's say have dinner at a friend's house and it was just a known fact that before dessert it's like "where is Arthur?" and he was missing from the table and he would be stretched out on a couch sleeping instead of participating in the dinner.

Arthur: I discovered that I had sleep apnea by accident. I had a hip surgery for my marathon and in the recovery room the people asked my wife if I had sleep apnea because it was taking a long time for me to come out of recovery and that's when I decided to get tested. I was diagnosed 40 events per hour, that's pretty bad so 40 times per hour I was not breathing which means my heart my organs my brain were getting no oxygen. Once I knew it was something that was treatable I was very open to use a machine or device and tried out for a night. It was immediate, I mean I woke up that morning knowing that I had a much deeper sleep.

What I do love about that AirSense 10 is it's really quiet. I use the MyAir app and what I love about it is, it really includes the ability to kind of gamify your sleep and keep score every night. 

I typically am out in town now every other week and I have been taking the AirSense 10 with me. It's much lighter than my old machine. I always wondered like wouldn't it be great if this was something I could just shove into my backpack.


At Home Sleep Testing

The Lofta Complete Path

Learn more about Lofta’s fast and easy path for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.  Living with sleep apnea can be challenging, treating it doesn’t have to be.

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