People with Sleep Apnea Disproportionately Admitted to Hospital for COVID-19

- By Lofta
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By Lofta
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A new study reports that those with Sleep Apnea are more likely than those without Sleep Apnea to suffer a more severe form of Covid-19.

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A new study reports that those with Sleep Apnea are more likely than those without Sleep Apnea to suffer a more severe form of Covid-19.


Turku University Hospital and the University of Turku studied patients during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic and found that sleep apnea emerged as a suspected risk factor.

The study, published in Sleep Medicine and Disorders International Journal, focused on the register information of COVID-19 patients who were admitted to Turku University Hospital in spring 2020. Southwest Finland, with a population of 480,000, managed the first wave of the pandemic with a relatively small number of infected people. Patients with a positive test result amounted to 278 individuals. From the infected patients, 28 were admitted to hospital care at Turku University Hospital by May 3, 2020. The register information of these patients was studied with the aim to unravel the risks for the severe form of COVID-19 and the need for intensive care.

“The idea behind the study was the need for real time information about COVID-19. The research permission was extensive because little was known about the novel coronavirus. We quickly observed that there was quite a few cases of sleep apnea among the patients,” says Thijs Feuth, MD, PhD, a fellow in pulmonary diseases and the first author of the research article, in a release.


Read the full article here.

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