The newly released ResMed AirCurve™ 11 VAuto BiLevel CPAP Machine is now available from Lofta to order today!
Welcome to the ResMed AirCurve 11 VAuto, the bilevel PAP device for people like you with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and those who are struggling with single pressure PAP therapy.
With a goal to keep the airway open, your AirCurve 11 VAuto is designed to create an open, unobstructed path for better quality sleep throughout the night. It is a bilevel device, meaning it provides two levels of support—one for inhalation, called inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) and one for exhalation, called expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP). This technology aligns more closely with your natural breathing pattern. In a research study, ResMed VAuto therapy was shown to have a positive effect on sleep quality and daytime sleepiness for some people switching from a single continuous PAP therapy to VAuto bilevel therapy.