Resmed Introduces the AirFit F40 Full Face CPAP Mask

- By Lofta
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By Lofta
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Recently launched by Resmed the AirFit F40 Full Face CPAP Mask is now available from Lofta to order today! Experience Unprecedented Freedom with the Comfort and Optimized Seal Performance of ResMed’s Smallest Full-Face CPAP Mask.

The AirFit F40 is an ultra-compact, full-face mask offering the comfort of smaller masks without sacrificing performance in order to help improve sleep apnea therapy compliance

Finding the right mask with the right fit and comfort can be daunting, especially for individuals requiring high-pressure CPAP treatment. The AirFit F40 addresses this problem by providing the necessary pressure support in a more comfortable, lower-profile full-face mask. The mask is ideal for people who sleep on their side, are claustrophobic, and want the stability and seal of a universal fit mask in a minimalist design.

A key feature of the AirFit F40 is the AdaptiSeal™ cushion, a 100% soft silicone cushion designed to maintain a facial seal, even when moving around during sleep. Additional features include:

  • A fully flexible frame that keeps the assembly away from patients’ eyes and ears.
  • A full-face mask with a quick-release short tube, reducing tube drag and offering a convenient way to detach and reattach the mask to the device during the night.
  • Headgear without top strap adjustment, which makes for an easier setup and adjustment process.
  • A new textile material and a dark grey color, offering a more modern look.


View the Resmed AirFit F40 Full Face CPAP Mask - Complete System.

Resmed Press Release